
¨Entretela has been a journey of emotions with which I have been able to immerse myself in that era where women, dressed in mourning and surrounded by injustice, worked every day with nobility and resignation to take care of their families. A tearing of reflections that have led me to create this work composed of contexts, ancient work, flexible materials, or pigments. All of them with a common denominator: interaction and union through a thread and a needle. A metal filament that remains immutable in the history of humanity. A guiding element in this creative process that has given rise to these thirty works that I present to you¨

Isabel Cabello


Entretela unfolds as a journey into the inner self. A reflection on the life and heritage that have configured Isabel Cabello’s memory landscape.
This work is the result of looking into a mirror without filters, where the nakedness of feelings are represented by the abstract, the material and evocative compositions… A revisit through the sounds, smells and images of her childhood that lead her to see herself in the dim and warm light of her grandmother’s room, sitting in her armchair of laughter, fabrics, scissors and lace of tenderness, where the thread of her memory has led her to unravel an endless skein of memories.

Expression, Textures, Needle and Tension. These are the concepts associated with the culture that saw her grow up in her land, as well as with the stories of so many women who washed in basins, cooked with firewood or carried the water jugs for their homes on their sides. Sweet and humble fighters of quiet dignity have passed on to later generations a world of teachings and reflections that have undoubtedly contributed to our present, giving us a future of better opportunities and more coherent and democratic freedoms.